December News '22


How is it already December?..

The last few months has literally whizzed by.

I was nominated as a finalist in the SW Beauty and Hair awards - which was completely unexpected as I had reduced my hours for a few months due to health reasons. So that was a lovely nudge to remind myself why I decided to start my business.

I've been working with a charity to speak at their next luncheon to discuss the impact of hair loss and what solutions are available for ladies going through this tough time.

Watch this space!

Did you know: The condition of your hair can be one of the most important signs of your overall health. Vibrant, healthy hair means that your body is producing enough vitamins and nutrients that ensure the body is operating at its peak condition.

This year I will be closed for Christmas from the 22nd Dec to the 27th. I am open 28th and 29th for any appointments so please let me know if you need an appointment - there are only a couple of slots free. Then back to normal from the 3rd Jan '23.

You can either book directly via my online calendar, or drop me a text.


Bon xx