January '22 Newsletter
Happy 2022..! Wonder what this year has install for us. But I am sure whatever it is we will all soldier on creating new memories, have fun adventures and make the most of each and every moment.
I just want to thank each and every one for all the love passed my way throughout the last year and I am really looking forward to growing with you all this year!
January I will be focusing on some new product launches and already have some of my fav's in stock, so you'll be hearing all about my new products I simply can't live without.

So far the government hasn't announced any new changes but as and when they do I will let you know if anything has changed with my working environment.
As usual please make sure you have your follow up appointments booked well in advance, my diary is busier than ever and I don't want anyone to have a delay in their maintenance appointments as they are crucial.
*I will be off for 1.5 weeks in February
Did you know: Not having enough of protein in your diet can cause hair thinning.